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Meet the clients... DKT Artworks

Viero UK is proud to partner with some of the most creative studios in the world of surface design.

DKT Artworks, based in south west London, has a reputation for producing some of the finest sculptures, murals, trompe l’oeil, decorative designs and polished plasters.

Our relationship spans back more than twenty years, in which time we have supported them to deliver on some of their most prestigious projects. We recently spoke to members of the creative team to find out more about their work and our long-standing partnership.

Tell us a bit more about your business…

Our business is all about large-scale decorative art. We are a London-based design house launched in the late 1970s. We work across a wide range of design disciplines in various materials including plaster, mosaic, metals, semi-precious stones and glass. Our ethos is that there are no boundaries to the creativity of our work.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

One of our largest areas of work is within the marine industry. We have years of experience in producing work for superyachts. We take on some very large-scale design challenges and come up with practical solutions to implementing these very challenging briefs.

How long have you been using Viero UK’s range of products?

DKT has been working with Viero for more than 25 years. During this time, we have used a variety of their products including Lithos, Ikos, Visocalce, Granisplast, Hydro and Marmorin Sand.

What do you like about working with Viero UK?

Viero UK have a wide range of lime based and decorative plasters. They all have different qualities and their own individual characteristics but are all consistent in application. We are always looking to come up with fresh ideas and creavitive textures and the Viero range opens up the possibilities for this. We have a dedicated team of six artisans in our London studio who take care of our plastering projects. Their work often involves meeting challenging design briefs and tight deadlines, so Viero UK’s efficient support and delivery surface is another reason why our partnership works so well.

What do you feel the future holds for your business?

For a company that has worked in Europe for years, a break from the European Union in the next two years means these are uncertain times. However, our ethos has never been to become complacent and to always look for new solutions. We intend to continue to build on our reputation and look to those long-term relationships that we’ve built over the years to consolidate this.
